Project Management

Merged PR Summaries

Homie can automatically send a list of merged PRs daily, or weekly. This is super helpful to just get a small notification with everything that might be making it’s way to production.

You can configure how often you want to get these (or turn them off entirely) from Settings > Pull Request Summaries

Note: the dates, and times are in your browser’s local time.

Homie can automatically send a list of merged PRs daily, or weekly. This is super helpful to just get a small notification with everything that might be making it’s way to production.

You can configure how often you want to get these (or turn them off entirely) from Settings > Pull Request Summaries

Note: the dates, and times are in your browser’s local time.

Homie can automatically send a list of merged PRs daily, or weekly. This is super helpful to just get a small notification with everything that might be making it’s way to production.

You can configure how often you want to get these (or turn them off entirely) from Settings > Pull Request Summaries

Note: the dates, and times are in your browser’s local time.