Code Help

Generating PR Summaries

Homie has the ability to generate really good PR summaries. Homie summaries are relevant, concise, and has minimal hallucinations. Where other tools only rely on a single context window (Slack, PR code, or project task), Homie combines all three, and is able to provide more specific information. This results in less freedom for the LLM to use general knowledge that may not always be accurate.

To generate a PR summary, simply edit the Pull Request (or Merge Request for Gitlab) body, and add :homie-summary: anywhere. Homie will then replace the text with a summary of the PR.

To have Homie refer to project tasks, link them using keywords, same as any GitHub issues.

Example PR body:

closes #1386 :homie-summary:

  • Will close issue #1386 on merge

  • Homie will add issue #1386 to it’s context

  • Homie will read the PR diff, to generate a relevant summary.

Homie gets smarter on merge

When the PR is merged, Homie will ingest it’s summary, and relevant code snippets from the code, so that it can provide more relevant answers, or context when creating new tasks.

This means it’s important to make sure PR summaries are as accurate as possible, and doesn’t contain any misleading information. Remember to check any generated summaries before you merge!

Homie does not use your code, or data for training

Homie only stores the minimum relevant PR information (author, merge date, summary, code snippets) to provide context for future queries from your team. Homie will never use your team’s data (proprietary or not) for AI training.

Homie has the ability to generate really good PR summaries. Homie summaries are relevant, concise, and has minimal hallucinations. Where other tools only rely on a single context window (Slack, PR code, or project task), Homie combines all three, and is able to provide more specific information. This results in less freedom for the LLM to use general knowledge that may not always be accurate.

To generate a PR summary, simply edit the Pull Request (or Merge Request for Gitlab) body, and add :homie-summary: anywhere. Homie will then replace the text with a summary of the PR.

To have Homie refer to project tasks, link them using keywords, same as any GitHub issues.

Example PR body:

closes #1386 :homie-summary:

  • Will close issue #1386 on merge

  • Homie will add issue #1386 to it’s context

  • Homie will read the PR diff, to generate a relevant summary.

Homie gets smarter on merge

When the PR is merged, Homie will ingest it’s summary, and relevant code snippets from the code, so that it can provide more relevant answers, or context when creating new tasks.

This means it’s important to make sure PR summaries are as accurate as possible, and doesn’t contain any misleading information. Remember to check any generated summaries before you merge!

Homie does not use your code, or data for training

Homie only stores the minimum relevant PR information (author, merge date, summary, code snippets) to provide context for future queries from your team. Homie will never use your team’s data (proprietary or not) for AI training.

Homie has the ability to generate really good PR summaries. Homie summaries are relevant, concise, and has minimal hallucinations. Where other tools only rely on a single context window (Slack, PR code, or project task), Homie combines all three, and is able to provide more specific information. This results in less freedom for the LLM to use general knowledge that may not always be accurate.

To generate a PR summary, simply edit the Pull Request (or Merge Request for Gitlab) body, and add :homie-summary: anywhere. Homie will then replace the text with a summary of the PR.

To have Homie refer to project tasks, link them using keywords, same as any GitHub issues.

Example PR body:

closes #1386 :homie-summary:

  • Will close issue #1386 on merge

  • Homie will add issue #1386 to it’s context

  • Homie will read the PR diff, to generate a relevant summary.

Homie gets smarter on merge

When the PR is merged, Homie will ingest it’s summary, and relevant code snippets from the code, so that it can provide more relevant answers, or context when creating new tasks.

This means it’s important to make sure PR summaries are as accurate as possible, and doesn’t contain any misleading information. Remember to check any generated summaries before you merge!

Homie does not use your code, or data for training

Homie only stores the minimum relevant PR information (author, merge date, summary, code snippets) to provide context for future queries from your team. Homie will never use your team’s data (proprietary or not) for AI training.