Oct 10, 2024

10 Simple hacks to speed up software development

We've all been there: looming deadlines, pressure to ship code faster without sacrificing quality, the irresistible urge to cut corners, and that nagging feeling that you should be moving quicker.

Struggling to meet deadlines is a very familiar part of the game for most developers and development teams.

However, whether you’re working solo or part of a big team, deadlines shouldn't be a thing of dread nor should shipping code faster be a pipe dream. Thankfully, it has never been easier too.

With these 10 simple hacks, you can easily speed up you and your team’s development workflow and ship things a lot quicker.

1. Use AI code-generation Tools

Lately, AI code-generation tools have been all the rage, with developers swearing that they've seen anything from a 50 to 1000% increase in their productivity using AI code-generation tools.

Research has found it to realistically be more in the 7 to 40% range, depending on level of experience.

Given that over 97% of the developers in a recent Github survey reported using AI tools to code, you're most likely giving up some productivity gains if you're not already using them on your team.

Code Suggestions on the Fly

Why write code from scratch when you can get a head start with AI tools?

AI-powered code generators can speed up your workflow by suggesting code snippets, auto-completing functions, and even generating entire blocks of logic based on your input.

These tools help you avoid the repetitive grunt work by predicting and suggesting code as you type.

Quick Prototypes and Fixes

Need to test a quick idea or get rid of a bug? AI code generators can whip up basic code & boilerplate, and even help with simple bugs, allowing you to iterate faster and focus more on the overarching logic.

Learning and Efficiency Boost

Not only do these tools speed things up, but they can also help you learn faster by showing new ways to solve problems. You get to write better, cleaner code significantly quicker.

2. Communication is Key

Sometimes, it’s not coding that slows you down—it’s communication. Make sure your team is all on the same page to avoid unnecessary delays and unproductive work.

Cross-Functional Teams

Having developers, QA testers, and ops working together can streamline everything. When everyone knows what’s going on, you avoid bottlenecks.

Use Tools Like Slack or Jira

Keep communication clear and organized. Tools like Slack, Jira, and Microsoft Teams can help you track tasks, report issues, and make sure nothing falls through the cracks.

Use AI Project Management Tools

Tools like Slack and Jira are great, but to take your project management to the next level–just like with coding–you need to start using AI.

We recommend you check out Homie, an AI-native project management tool designed for software teams seeking effective management at minimal cost and overhead.

From task tracking to automated summaries and project report generation, Homie has it all. It can even function as a code generator, providing more context-aware responses than other tools since it integrates deeply with your codebase.

3. Use Version Control

This feels almost shameful to say, but if you’re not using version control software like Git, stop everything and start using it right now. It’s the ultimate lifesaver when it comes to keeping things organized, especially when working with a team.

Work Together, Not Against Each Other

Version control keeps everyone on the same page, letting multiple developers work on the same project without stepping on each other’s toes.

Use Feature Branches & Automate Merging

Feature branches help you keep new features separate from the main codebase until they’re fully cooked. Once you’re done, merge everything back in with a pull request. It keeps things clean and reduces bugs.

But don't stop there. Instead of manually merging your code, let a CI tool do it for you. Tools like Jenkins and GitHub Actions will test your code as you push it, so you don’t have to worry about breaking things in production.

4. Automate the Boring Stuff

If you find yourselves doing the same thing over and over, it’s time to automate. The more you automate, the less you’ll have to worry about small details, and the faster you can ship.

Automate Your Builds

Set up CI/CD pipelines (like Jenkins or CircleCI) to handle your builds, tests, and deployments automatically. Let the robots take care of it while you focus on what really matters—writing code.

Use Code Formatters & Linters

Tools like Prettier and ESLint will save you hours of nitpicking over code formatting and style. Let them take care of the details so you can focus on the big picture.

Automate Your Docs

Stop wasting time manually updating documentation. Use tools like Homie, Swagger, or JSDoc to generate docs automatically. That way, your docs stay fresh without you lifting a finger.

5. Keep Your Code Clean (Seriously)

Writing clean code isn’t just for your future self—it’s for anyone who might touch your code after you.

Spend a little time upfront to make sure your code is clean, and you’ll save tons of time later and onboard new developers way easier.

"The only way to go fast is to go well."Kent Beck, creator of Extreme Programming and co-author of The Agile Manifesto"

Let Linters Do the Heavy Lifting

Linters like ESLint or Pylint can catch bugs and style issues before you even run your code.

Don’t Skimp on Unit Testing

Unit tests are your best friend. They catch issues early and make sure each part of your code works as expected. Tools like Jest or PyTest make writing tests easy—and trust us—it’ll save you from future headaches. AI code generation tools are also very effective for testing.

6. Go Agile or Go Home

Agile is all about breaking things down into small, manageable pieces and getting feedback early. Used right, it can greatly speed up development.

Sprint It Out

Instead of trying to do everything all at once, break your work down into sprints. Focus on getting one piece done at a time, and you’ll find it’s easier to stay on track and hit your deadlines.

Have Regular Standups

A quick 10-minute standup every morning or so can keep everyone in sync and helps identify problems early. You don’t want to realize there’s a roadblock right before the deadline—catch it early and stay ahead.

7. Modular Architecture = Faster Development

Instead of building one big, messy project, try to break your code down into smaller, independent modules. That way, you can develop and test different pieces without worrying about breaking the whole thing.

Keep Components Decoupled

Design your code so that each part is independent. That way, anyone can work on one feature without affecting everything else. It also makes future updates a breeze.

Microservices, Baby

For bigger projects, using microservices can help you break things down even further. Each service handles one part of the system, so you can scale up and deploy faster.

8. Feedback, Feedback, Feedback

Don’t wait until the end to find out something’s wrong. Get feedback early and often to keep things moving smoothly.

Code Reviews

Code reviews are essential. Not only do they help catch bugs, but they also give you a chance to learn from your teammates. Emphasize and make time for them on your team.

Listen to the Data

Use analytics to see how your app is performing in real time. Whether it’s load times or user interactions, the sooner you know there’s a problem, the faster you can fix it.

9. Wield the Power of Open Source

You don’t always need to build everything from scratch. There are tons of open-source libraries out there that can do the heavy lifting for you.

Before starting a new feature, check if there’s a library that already does what you need. Why reinvent the wheel? Let those libraries do the grunt work while you focus on the fun stuff.

10. Minimize Technical Debt

Technical debt is like a high-interest loan you take out to get things done quickly—-if you don’t pay it off ASAP, it’ll come back to bite you. It’ll slow you down in the long run if you don't manage it.

Make Time for Refactoring

Set aside time to clean up your code regularly. Refactoring keeps things tidy and ensures that your code is easy to work with down the road.

Keep It Simple

Don’t over-engineer things. While it’s tempting to future-proof your software, over-complicating it can slow you down. Keep it simple and only build what you need right now.

How to speed up software development with Homie

As stated earlier, selecting the right project management tool can significantly accelerate your development process, and Homie is one excellent option to consider.

Homie was built with AI from the ground up to help development teams streamline their workflow. By automating repetitive tasks such as PR reviews, task tracking, and daily reporting, it minimizes the time spent on manual management, allowing your team to focus on what really matters: coding.

Homie seamlessly integrates with your codebase via GitHub or GitLab, enabling you to track contributions and quickly generate summaries, code, and documentation. This keeps your team aligned and agile.

With natural language commands within Slack, you can use Homie to manage your project effortlessly, ensuring that you remain focused on coding while keeping your project on track.

Wrapping It Up

Speeding up software development doesn’t have to mean rushing through things or cutting corners. With a few smart strategies and tools, you can keep things moving faster without sacrificing quality.

Give these hacks a try and watch your workflow improve. You’ll be shipping code faster, with fewer headaches, and your future self (and your team) will thank you!


Technical Writer